Author. Bible Teacher. Spiritual Formation Leader.

book cover of hear my prayer by liz ditty

Hear My Prayer

Available May 2024

Hear My Prayer is a Bible Study Experience created to include art, music, nature, and more in the way we approach God’s Word and our conversations with Him.

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woman smiling at camera in a field

Hey, I’m Liz Ditty.

Let’s move a little closer to God’s love, starting from right where we are.

I love exploring topics such as hearing God’s voice, in-depth Bible study, and the profound experience of God’s presence.

god's many voices book cover and pray a word a day book cover

Encountering God Face to Face

Discover insights on prayer, Bible study, and the path towards spiritual growth. I’ve written a Bible Study, a book, and contributed to devotionals and a devotional Bible- I’d be honored if you let me share my stories with you.

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“Many people claim to ‘hear God’s voice’ though not always with discernment. I’ve found Liz Ditty to be a trustworthy guide in learning how to listen, and how to do so with wise discernment.”

Philip Yancey
Best-selling Author

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paper of praying scripture
paper of contemplative reading guide

Free Resource Library

My free digital downloads are all here. Ever since “You've Got Mail” I dreamed of owning a bookstore like Meg Ryan- and this is as close as I’ve gotten.